Upcoming events
Hi All! As we move back into fall programming, we have some special end-of-summer and start-of-fall programming. Please join us! 8/27: We are participating in an ecumenical service being held outdoors at First Parish Church, 340 Clapboardtree St., Westwood. 9:30am. 8/27: Fireside (campfire) gathering @ First Baptist, 6:45pm. (conversation on a current issue, snacks, and songs). 9/3: Ecumenical service held outdoors @ First Baptist, 9:30am. 9/10: We return to fall scheduling: 9:15am Adult Current Issues Class; 10:45am worship. 9/13: Wednesday 11am Bible Studies resume. (studying 1 & 2 Maccabees). 9/24: Sunday worship is different this Sunday only: Pot-Luck breakfast, worship, and sharing about our summer mission trip to Kodiak, Alaska. 10am, FBC Fellowship Hall.Â

See you soon! Peace & Love, Pastor Steph