What We Did With Our Summer Vacation
From July 22-30, a group of 15 of us traveled to the Kodiak Baptist Mission in Kodiak, Alaska. There is SO much to share about that trip! This newsletter contains photos and some info, and there is more online, and more on the bulletin board outside my office. For the fullest account of our adventures, please plan to join us on Sunday, September 24, at 10am. We will hold a Pot-Luck Breakfast (bring a dish to share) and our service time will be in Fellowship Hall @ First Baptist where we will celebrate our trip, and share photos and stories.
Here are just some of the things we did while there:

Scraping & priming a building.
Painting in the Preschool.
Digging out old fences in the goat pens.
Holding baby goats & baby bunnies.
Riding horses.
Teaching kids to play hand-chimes.
Hiking and outdoor adventures with kids.
Leading chapel, including our very silly “Stephanie’s Angels” skit.
Teaching gymnastics.
Reorganizing the food pantry & unpacking food.
Weed-whacking, mowing, clean-up.
Worshipping & praying.
Bear-seeking & Bald Eagle watching.
Mountain climbing.
d practicing true patience in the McWinnie house!
We can’t wait to tell you more!!! Plan to join us on September 24, or stop by and ask us about our experiences!
Peace & Brown Bears,
Pastor Steph